Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Heavy Hands Vader has entered the damn building, kid.  I know niggas like whoa what this nigga Vader got going on man, but word up it's been a long time coming. Tired of sitting on the outskirts of shit while cats just be on mad silly ass shit in the world, dig me?  Like these Republican fools holding up the economy like they a bunch of Wild Bill Hickocks and shit, dude. I ain't feeling that shit.  I mean, I'm an evil ass dude, but at least I got some respectable limits, nahmean?  On the real, you gotta look at the big picture. You tryna hold Obama black ass down but you make it real fucked up for everybody else? That's some evil, sad, disrespectable, unforgiveable type shit.  Make me wanna drop the whole Death Star on these muhfuckas. That's word to Halle Berry son.  Yall niggas should be slapped into last year to tell me you sorry so I won't smack your ass again in the future.

These old glitter throat ass bandits up in congress, boiled goose eatin ass bitches.  Wrinkled ass old white crones still on that bullshit trying to have niggas in chains and sweeping up in the kitchen cooking yams and hog noses and shit. I ain't on that son. Fuck they faces.

Got mad more to say but for now, may the Force be with you.

I think next up, Michelle Bachmann dusty, homophobic, gay ass husband having ass. Fuck that broad life, kid.

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