Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Can We Please Explode Michele Bachmann the Hell Outta Here Kid?

It's ya muthafuckin' guy Mad Vader, kid, aka Anakin Skywalker, aka The Black Mask, aka The Greatest Villain Ever aka Luke's gotdamn father.  Let me spit my shit!

Just want to touch ground on this bitch Michele Bachmann, ya heard?  After hittin' light speed through various galaxies, punchin' Andromedans in the throat, I have never witnessed such an utterly alien ass broad, nahmsayin'?  After light saberin' the hell outta fat ass Huts and hairy wookies, I have never seen such a mentally stunted ass specimen as Michele Bachmann. How this broad even get into politics, nahmean son?  On the real, she so dumb her eyes blink every time she has a thought, kid.  She so fuckin' stupid kid that she  can't even tell that her own husband prefers sperm milkshakes to eatin' pussy, feel me?  This broad is so dense that the difference between her brain and a brick wall will never be obvious. 

Ayo how could you not know Libya was in Africa? But I guess that's what you get being born to a couple of conservative parents in the state of Iowa (Norwegian Lutheran Democrats according to Earth's Wikipedia).  What the fuck is in Iowa, g?  No sports teams, other than colleges.  Farmland and cows and pigs and shit like that?  Growing up a rural fucking hick will stunt your ability to learn, I guess.  Here I am, from a galaxy far, far away and shit, been killed once already (technically twice Obi Wan ol' bitch ass) and this bitch just trying to stupidify (nigga I know that ain't a word) everyone to death.  How do they even allow people this stupid to put they face in front of a camera and speak son? Guess I should rethink that question after witnessing several seasons of Jersey Shore. Fuck. Here is a site dedicated to 10 of the craziest things this broad has said since being involved in politics.

I absolutely believe this broad is profoundly retarded.  She's like a highly functioning idiot, yo.  And I don't think there's any limit to the amount of silly shit that will pour out of her mouth.  Watch some of her YouTube joints, ya heard?  Then you will see the flicker of insanity in her eye like Jack Nicholson poking his head through the door in The Shining.  Word son she is like the black hole of thoughts.  It's like if you stand near her she will absord your good thoughts so that when you speak you probably sound as dumb as she does.  Hell, you can see the effect it has on her fat ass husband, who is definitely gay. 

Marcus Bachmann, yo....that nigga gayer than a pink ass pool party at Elton John's house.  That nigga softer than the walls of Luther Vandross bedroom.  He look like if you stabbed that nigga his body would leak chocolate mousse, kid.  Marcus Bachmann gayer than Jar Jar Binks in a fuckin' tu tu in the middle of a rainbow in downtown San Diego, son.  That nigga Marcus softer than a wet cream puff in a basket of donuts covered with a doily kid.  He sweeter than a merger of Krispy Kreme and Hostess, nigga.  He look like he like pissing sitting down.  Dude look like he fuck with his eyes closed, g.  Man fuck Marcus Bachmann, son.  He's a bonafide pillow biter.

The Vader thinks he actually hates this broad whole soul, feel me?  Don't go thinkin' I'm pro gay, and I done seen some pretty weird shit on Tatooine, but I just be like let these people live their lives.  May the Force give them the best lives they can have on this pitiful, miserable rock of a planet.  At least before I blow this bitch to pieces.

Let me jump on this fuckin' X Wing fighter and get the fuck outta here, son! May the Force be wit yall niggas and niggarettes!

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